This article talks about a study which showed that massage was more effective than “usual medical care” for back pain. Specific, structural massage and Swedish relaxation massage were both correlated with less pain, improved mobility, and better functioning. Depending on
Recommended New Massage School in Seattle
Two excellent instructors of mine from Brenneke School of Massage (which was bought out by Cortiva Institute) have started a new massage school called Discovery Point School of Massage. Pat Archer is very well respected in the field and I
How Rushing Through Life Affects Children (and all of us)
Since Fall tends to be busier for most of us than summer, I think we can all use a reminder not to let our schedules get too crazy. One of the things I try to do in my massage practice
Broadening our View of Health Care
From “Healing the Whole Person” by Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D, in Shambhala Sun, January 2011: “Health is more than the absence of disease…(Dr. Christiane) Northrup recommends broadening our view of health care to include the things that create health and joy
Summer, Play & Intuition
Take some extra time this summer and reconnect to the present moment and your inner self. Our intuition needs a little space to come to the surface. I’m taking a week off in July and another in August, to slow
Using a Foam Roller for Self-Massage
**Check with your doctor before starting to use a foam roller.** A foam roller is an awesome tool I’ve found for self-care and maintenance between massages. Here are some comprehensive and clear instructions and photos (ignore the title of the
Tired & Wired?
In our crazy-busy, fast-paced society, our adrenals are often overworked. Here’s a great short article by Marcelle Pick from “Heal Your Life,” with helpful tips on how to start restoring some balance:
Is Sleep Deprivation a Badge of Honor?
Do you get enough sleep? Arianna Huffington has a great, 2 min. video on this here. We need to challenge our cultural values in this area. Sleep is vital for health and it shouldn’t be cool to force ourselves beyond
Have you heard of Feldenkrais/Awareness Through Movement?
You may want to try this gentle, but profound style of bodywork which focuses on greater awareness and easier movement. I would like to recommend Sarah Patton, Physical Therapist and Feldenkrais Practitioner, who has an office in my building and
Studies Show Massage Helps Anxiety, Depression & Immune Function
A literature review from a few years ago shows some pretty amazing results for massage therapy. Massage repeatedly decreased cortisol, increased dopamine and serotonin, increased killer cells, and decreased depression and anxiety. It also decreased pain in burn patients, decreased
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