I just took a week off, with no plans. I ate too much and slept in—usual vacation-y things… I sat on a big rock on the beach and watched geese paddle by in a single-file line, watched a movie I
I love Phinney Ridge Yoga
I met Christy Fisher, Founder of Phinney Ridge Yoga, years ago and occasionally make the trek from Queen Anne to her studio. I am always so happy when I do! Christy is an amazing instructor with a wealth of knowledge,
Receiving Regular Massage Really Makes a Difference
There are numerous reasons to receive massage and do other relaxing activities on a consistent or regular basis. A great article by Karrie Osborn at massagetherapy.com is here. A couple excerpted main points: Karrie writes, “Stress might never reach those
Massage is a Great Way to Care for Yourself this Summer
It’s officially summer in Seattle–yay! Are you getting outside and being more active? I have been gardening for the first time–what an amazing experience so far to eat lettuce we’ve grown ourselves, and pick strawberries at their peak for amazing
A Few Desk Stretches
Ok, we all spend too much time on computers and at desks! And you may be doing overtime with taxes due on Monday. Here are a few good stretches to do at the office. If any stretch causes pain, stop-it
Teen Yoga @ Red Square Yoga Studio
I love kids, worked in a school, coached t-ball, did volunteer work with teens living in a group home, thought I might be a teacher… And I have done a little bit of chair massage on teens. Believe me, they
The Speed of Life & Breathing
I found a really cool blog on breathwork (Dennis Lewis). He says this about our culture, and works with the breath to help us come back into balance: “We live in a culture in which everything is continually speeding up.
The Importance of Resting our Eyes
Spiritual and meditation teacher OSHO said, “All senses are on the same level and there should not be any hierarchy. But you live through the eyes: eighty percent of your life is eye-oriented. This should not be so; a balance
Thank You Queen Anne, Magnolia, the World
Since this is the month of Thanksgiving, I am reflecting on what I’m grateful for once again. Most of my clients are community-minded people living on top of Queen Anne Hill in Seattle. I love living and working here as
Massage Boosts Immunity
How? The stress hormone cortisol negatively affects the immune system by reducing killer cells. But among many other benefits, massage has been shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and significantly reduce cortisol. A review of the research literature is
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