Photo by John McKinney Didn’t that sun and warmth this past weekend feel amazing?! I did a little spring cleaning, my husband put out the deck furniture, and we finally checked out the W. Thomas St. Overpass to Myrtle Edwards
Thank You for 3 Great Years at this Location!
It’s my 3rd anniversary since re-starting my massage practice at this location on Queen Anne. I’m very grateful for all my clients. Many of you have been seeing me the whole time, and sending your friends and family in as
Fitness & Body Awareness
For those of you interested in fitness and/or bodily awareness and sensations, I found a really thought-provoking article entitled, “Self-Sensing and Effortless Action” here. A different perspective from “No pain, no gain…” The author Dennis Lewis writes, “Real fitness, then,
Being in Awe of Our Bodies
A recent study examined the effects of being in awe. An excerpt from the linked press release: “Across three different experiments, they found that jaw-dropping moments made participants feel like they had more time available and made them more patient,
Holiday Reflections
Stacy Lawson, Founder of Red Square Yoga on 10th W. (Queen Anne, Seattle), has some good questions to consider for having the type of holiday we really want. She’s a good writer and yoga teacher. Red Square seems to be
Q & A #2 with Kate Ramstedt, LMHC, Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy
This is the second question I’ve had the chance to ask Kate Ramstedt, LMHC (the first one is here). Her lovely office is in the same building as my massage practice (Queen Anne SPACE Building). She has a warm personality
National Massage Therapy Awareness Week
Oct. 22-28 is National Massage Therapy Awareness Week. Massage really is good medicine! Try it for yourself and spread the word! From the Touch Research Institute: Field, T. (1998). Massage therapy effects. American Psychological Association, 53, 1270-1281. REVIEW: Massage therapy
Why Do We Feel So Good After a Massage?
One therapist answers nicely here. It’s complex, and simple, at the same time. Even though I know all this stuff and I’m a therapist myself, I was still surprised last week at the difference a 15 min. chair massage I
Always Continuing My Education
I have always liked this time of year, as it reminds me of going back to school, getting new clothes and school supplies, meeting new teachers, making new friends. And I still really love learning. The state requires 24 hrs.
Q & A with Kate Ramstedt, LMHC, Mindfulness-Based Therapy
I recently met Kate Ramstedt, LMHC, and I thought some of my clients might be interested in knowing about her. Her lovely office is in the same building as my massage practice (Queen Anne SPACE Building). She has a warm
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