I  recently met Kate Ramstedt, LMHC, and I thought some of my clients might be interested in knowing about her. Her lovely office is in the same building as my massage practice (Queen Anne SPACE Building). She has a warm personality and some unique counseling philosophies and techniques to help, especially with anxiety. Her very informative web site is here.

Laurie Swanson, LMT:  Hi Kate, What is one easy way to begin using mindfulness when I’m feeling anxious?

Kate Ramstedt, LMHC: I recommend following the breath.  Even allowing just one minute to simply breathe can help us to put things into perspective.  Often the situation that is causing anxiety feels like a matter of life or death, but when we give ourselves permission to pause for a moment things become less overwhelming and we become more effective at managing the situation.

There is a lighthearted and engaging example of how to put this into practice in a short video here.

Laurie: I love that video! I hope everyone will try it now–I just did. Thanks!

Q & A with Kate Ramstedt, LMHC, Mindfulness-Based Therapy
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