From “Healing the Whole Person” by Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D, in Shambhala Sun, January 2011:

“Health is more than the absence of disease…(Dr. Christiane) Northrup recommends broadening our view of health care to include the things that create health and joy on a daily basis, whether it’s dancing the tango, reading a good book, or spending fifteen minutes a day in natural sunlight. ‘Begin to think about your health care as a program that you are in control of,’ she says. ‘It includes your thoughts and beliefs and the people you spend time with. It includes turning off the news and getting massages regularly. Just being present with another human, being present in the moment, ramps up your circuitry of health.'”

Check out this web site on mindfulness here.

Broadening our View of Health Care
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2 thoughts on “Broadening our View of Health Care

  • August 2, 2011 at 1:55 pm

    Great article. I couldn’t agree more! I started getting massage as a physical relief – but over time have found that massage calms my spirit, relieves stress, forces me to breath deeply (which is good on so many levels) and refreshes mind, body and spirit.

    Your skills are a gift to those of us who need them!